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Watching Oscar Pistorius challenge the way competitive sport is viewed at the world’s most elite levels is something we may never see again.

Össur takes pride in the fact that our innovations allow for people like Oscar to live a life without limitations. The Blade Runner has been wearing Össur’s Flex-Foot Cheetahs ever since he began running competitivelyin 2004.Off the track, he’s also an Össur fan, wearing our Modular III and Re-Flex Rotate feet.

Össur is dedicated to helping improve peoples’ mobility so they may enjoy life without limitations. We salute Oscar, his fellow Team Össur members, and the thousands of other amputee athletes worldwide who are pushing our technology to its very limits. From them, we gain inspiration and invaluable feedbackfor products that benefit people of all ages and ability levels.

To learn more about Össur and Oscar’s prostheses of choice: please visit

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